Sunday, March 15, 2009


I haven't posted anything since Wednesday for good reason. Primarily, as April 1 draws near, I have quite a few loose ends to tie. I've been making final touches on the scents for the signature series. I'm rather pleased with the results so far. I was also working on a project for a client which is now awaiting her approval. Lastly, I have developed preliminary formulas for the next set of products to roll out. I would like to make them available in mid-April. Let me tell you they are divine! I'll wait awhile before I tell you what they are in case I change the order of product release.

About the blog posts... I think Timeless Treasure Thursday has come close to running its course. I may write about a company from time to time, but ultimately the subject matter for Thursday will be replaced. I may begin to cover trends in hair, skin, makeup and nail care and periodically tie Thursday's posts in with Fresh Idea Friday. Another thought is to add another self esteem day. Sort of a "touch up" to follow Maintenance Monday. We'll play it by ear for now.

Be glamorous!

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